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Around the world
Faces and Civilizations of the World

23 days / 22 nights
Paris | Mexico | Peru | Easter Island | Polynesia | New Zealand | Indonesia | Cambodia | India | Jordan

Around the world
Faces and Civilizations of the World

Board a fully privatised aircraft to discover the world's most emblematic destinations.

Next departure:

From 03 to 25 November2024

Ready to fly?

Do you need more information or would you like to make a reservation? We're here to help!

The opportunity to go on a Round the World Tour is exciting in itself, but when it is linked to the theme of Civilisations, it takes on an even more fascinating dimension. By embarking on such an adventure, one embarks on a quest to discover the peoples and cultures that have shaped our world, exploring their rich heritage and history. From South America to the Middle East, via Oceania and Asia, each stage of this expedition promises to be a source of wonder for the soul and the Five Senses.

Exchanges with local people and the discovery of their customs and way of life represent unique opportunities for personal enrichment and to immerse oneself in the diversity that constitutes the beauty of our world. This World Tour, Faces & Civilizations, is an invitation to open your mind to the world and to be guided by the richness of humanity.

Your itinerary in brief - Faces and Civilizations of the World

Days 1 - 3Mérida - In the Footsteps of the Maya
Days 3 - 6Cuzco - Machu Picchu : The Citadel of the Incas
Days 6 - 7Easter Island - Meeting with the Moai
Days 7 - 10Tahiti - Turquoise Waters of the Pacific
Days 10 - 11Passing the date change line
Days 11 - 13 Auckland - The Long White Cloud
Days 13 - 15Yogyakarta - Javanese mix
Days 15 - 18Siem Reap - The Enigmatic Angkor
Days 18 to 20Agra - Eternal Taj Mahal
Days 20 to 23Aqaba - Nabatean Petra

Highlights of the trip

  • Unforgettable encounters with local people
  • Enchanting and unusual evenings in magical places
  • Choice speakers on certain ports of call
  • Gala dinner in a Khmer temple
  • Unique railway experience to reach the foot of Machu Picchu

In Paris, in the morning, you will meet the whole team of your trip before flying to your destination.

Days 1 - 3

Mérida - In the Footsteps of the Maya

Flight time : Paris - Mérida 12h

We cross the Atlantic to the Yucatan in Mexico. Here, the colonial charm of Merida coexists with the ruins of the Mayan civilisation. A resolutely warlike people, worshippers of the snake god but also builders, artists and scientists, historians have not finished revealing the causes of their decline. You will visit the site of Chichén Itzá and a cenote, a sacred well communicating with the "inframundo".
In the evening, a dinner in a colonial hacienda will mark the beginning of our adventure around the world.


  • J1 Take off in the morning from Paris, then after a short technical stop and lunch on board our plane, we arrive in Merida, Mexico. Discover this ancient colonial city before settling into your hotel. Dinner at the hotel. Overnight at the hotel.
  • J2 Day of discovery of the archaeological site of Chichen Itza, a marvel of the modern world in the centre of the Yucatan peninsula. Lunch near the site before continuing your exploration of the Mayan civilization with a cenote. Back in Merida, rest before heading to a hacienda with colonial charm for a typical Mexican dinner. Overnight at the hotel.
  • J3 After breakfast, flight to Lima and Cuzco (Peru).

Alternative excursion : Day trip to Uxmal (full day).


UNESCO : Pre-Hispanic city of Chichen Itza / Pre-Columbian city of Uxmal

Days 3 - 6

Cuzco - Machu Picchu, the Citadel of the Incas

Flight time: Merida - Lima 5h15

South of the equator, Peru will tell us another story: the violent clash of the Inca Empire and the Spanish conquistadors. Our plane will land in Lima and you will board a short domestic flight to Cuzco.

You will stay in the Sacred Valley and it is from here that you will explore the emblematic Machu Picchu, a city perched on a slope of the Andes. The next day, you will visit the fortress of Ollantaytambo and Chincheros before returning to Cuzco, its Plaza de Armas and its cobbled streets.


  • J1 Flight to Peru and lunch on board our plane. Arrival in Lima in the early afternoon, you board a short domestic flight (1h30) to Cuzco, the ancient capital of the Incas, perched at an altitude of 3,400m. For more comfort and to avoid altitude sickness, you stay in the Sacred Valley where you arrive in the early evening. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.
  • J2 Day of discovery of Machu Picchu, citadel of the Incas accessible from the village of Aguas Calientes. You will board a small train that will take you through the countryside to the foot of the city built on the mountainside, lunch in a local restaurant. Return by train, dinner and overnight at the hotel.
  • J3 Day of discovery of the Sacred Valley of the Incas with the Fortress of Ollantaytambo and the discovery of Chincheros. Lunch in a local restaurant. In the afternoon, departure to Cuzco and visit of the city before a thematic dinner accompanied by the gods of the Andes. Night at the hotel in Cuzco.
  • J4 After breakfast, flight to Lima and then to Easter Island (Chile).

Alternative stays : Stay in Lima (3 nights) or Stay in Arequipa (2 nights and 1 night in Lima)


UNESCO : City of Cuzco / Machu Picchu historical sanctuary

Days 6 - 7

Easter Island - Meeting with the Moai

Flight time : Lima - Easter Island 5h15

Our plane will then take us to one of the best kept secrets of our planet, 164 km² of volcanic land in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the mysterious Easter Island. Here, the oral tradition is alive and well, passing on the history of Moai from the Matamua to the Rapa Nui. You enter the vast Polynesian world.
You will visit the main points of interest on the island, from the volcano Rano Kau to Anakena beach and the ancient quarry Rano Raraku.


  • J1 We arrive on Easter Island after a lunch on board. First visits to the island. At sunset, Polynesian dinner on the site of Taha Tai. Check-in at the hotel. Night at the hotel.
  • J2 Continuation of the visits of the island, you will discover: the Volcano Rano Kau, the beach of Anakena, the old quarry Rano Raraku, the Ahu Tongakirien listening to the story of the mysteries and legends of this island full of charm and so mysterious. At the end of the morning, flight to French Polynesia.


UNESCO : Rap Nui National Park

Days 7 - 10

Tahiti - Turquoise Waters of the Pacific

Flight time : Easter Island - Papeete 5h45

We stop off in French Polynesia, another bastion of Polynesian civilisation, where you can enjoy the gentle waters of Moorea or Bora Bora and relax in the turquoise lagoons.


Turquoise Space

  • J1 We arrive in Tahiti after a lunch on board. Polynesian welcome before your transfer by boat to Moorea where you will stay 3 nights on a full board basis.
  • J2 Free day in Moorea.
  • J3 Free day in Moorea.
  • J4 Last half day in the Polynesian lagoon. After lunch, fly to Tahiti (or transfer by boat) where our plane is waiting to take us to Auckland, New Zealand.

Alternative stays : 

  • Stay at Brando Hotel (3 nights) → Supplement in bungalow on stilts.
  • Stay at La Pirogue Api (3 nights)

Sapphire space

  • J1 We arrive in Tahiti after a lunch on board. Polynesian welcome before your transfer by plane to Bora Bora where you will stay for 3 nights on full board.
  • J2 Free day in Bora Bora.
  • J3 Free day in Bora Bora.
  • J4 Last half day in the Polynesian lagoon. After lunch, fly to Tahiti (or transfer by boat) where our plane is waiting to take us to Auckland, New Zealand.

Alternative stays : 

  • Stay at Brando Hotel (3 nights) → Supplement in bungalow on stilts with pool.
  • Stay at La Pirogue Api (3 nights)
  • Helicopter flight over the islands
Days 10 - 11

Today is tomorrow, we have just crossed the date line.

Days 11 - 13

Auckland - The Long White Cloud

Flight time : Papeete - Auckland 5h30

On the other side of the world, New Zealand welcomes us to Auckland, a cosmopolitan city, a mixture of Polynesian culture and British organisation.

The next day, you can choose to:
- Visit Rotorua, the heart of Maori country and an area of high geothermal activity, known for its geyser and sulphur springs;
- Explore Waiheke, an island off Auckland, for a day of food and wine tasting.


  • J1 We arrive in Auckland in the early evening. Check in and dinner at the hotel. Overnight stay at the hotel.
  • J2 Departure to Rotorua and discovery of the Maori culture around the Whakarewarewa Valley, a site known for its geothermal activity and notably the Pohutu geyser. Picnic lunch in the valley and return to Auckland in the late afternoon. Dinner at a local restaurant. Overnight at the hotel.
  • J3 After breakfast, a quick tour of Auckland. Early afternoon flight to Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Alternative excursion : Day trip to the vineyards of Waiheke Island off Auckland.

Days 13 - 15

Yogyakarta - Javanese mix

Flight time: Auckland - Yogyakarta 9:15

We finally leave the Pacific world with our arrival in Indonesia, a territory spread over two hemispheres, a huge mosaic of cultures and ethnic groups.
We land in Yogyakarta on the island of Java, where you will discover the Borobudur Temple, the largest temple in the world built for Buddha, as well as the landscape carved by the capricious Merapi volcano.


  • J1 We arrive in Yogyakarta mid-afternoon after lunch on board. Check-in and dinner at the hotel. Overnight at the hotel.
  • J2 Day trip to Prambanan and Borobudur, thousand-year-old Hindu and Buddhist temples at the foot of the Merapi volcano. Lunch in a local restaurant. Javanese evening. Overnight at the hotel.
  • J3 After breakfast, visit the Sultan's Palace and a batik factory before our flight to Siem Reap (Cambodia).


UNESCO : Borobudur Complex / Prambanan Complex

Days 15 - 18

Siem Reap - The Enigmatic Angkor

Flight time : Yogyakarta - Siem-Reap 3h45

We reach Angkor, the pride of Cambodia and probably the largest archaeological site in the world. Listed as a UNESCO heritage site, it bears witness to four centuries of Khmer sovereignty over an area of more than 400 km². You will visit the Bayon and Ta Prohm temples, and the mythical Angkor Wat, the largest religious building in the world. The next day, you will go to the Cambodian countryside to discover the Citadel of Women, dear to André Malraux. Your stay will be crowned by a memorable dinner in the heart of the archaeological site in the presence of the Apsaras, mystical dancers with thousand-year-old movements.


  • J1 Arrival in the early evening and transfer to the hotel. While waiting for your luggage to be installed in your room, dinner at the hotel. Overnight at the hotel.
  • J2 Visit the main temples of the Angkor complex: Bayon and Ta Phrom. Lunch at a local restaurant. Visit the majestic temple of Angkor Wat. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.
  • J3 Day in the Cambodian countryside: discovery of Banteay Srei and the royal silk factory. Lunch in the countryside. Continuation of the day with the discovery of the local life in the typical villages. Return to Siem Reap in the afternoon. Exceptional gala dinner in a thousand-year-old temple accompanied by the dances of the Royal Ballet of Cambodia. Overnight at the hotel.
  • J4 After breakfast, flight to New Delhi (India).


UNESCO : Angkor

Days 18 - 20

Agra - Eternal Taj Mahal

Flight time : Siem-Reap - Delhi 4h30

Delhi opens the doors to India: a country of contrasts and excesses, as vast as a continent and populated by more than a billion people, you will be sucked into the great whirlwind of a Bollywood evening.

The next day you will take the train to Agra and visit the Red Fort before greeting the Taj Mahal, a sumptuous white marble mausoleum that bears witness to the eternal love of a Mughal emperor for his deceased wife.


  • J1 We arrive in Delhi mid-afternoon after lunch on board. Check in to the hotel and prepare for an unforgettable evening of Bollywood madness. Overnight at the hotel.
  • J2 You leave for Agra on the Gatiman Express train. In Agra, visit the Taj Mahal, carved in marble and adorned with precious stones and the Red Fort, equally sumptuous witness to Mughal grandeur. Lunch at a local restaurant and return to New Delhi in the late afternoon. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.
  • J3 After breakfast, explore Delhi, the tumultuous capital with the former Palace of the Viceroys, the Rashtrapati Bhawan, the Parliament and the Gateway of India and the Qutb Minar, built in 1199, nicknamed the Tower of Victory. Lunch at a local restaurant and flight to Aqaba (Jordan).

Alternative excursion : Delhi Discovery Day


UNESCO : Taj Mahal / Agra Fort / Qutb Minar and its monuments, Delhi

Days 20 - 23

Aqaba - Nabatean Petra

Flight time: Delhi - Aqaba 5h30

Finally, we land in Jordan, a land steeped in history so often mentioned in the Bible. You will leave Aqaba in search of the "Treasure" carved in the sandstone by the Nabateans, the true emblem of the city of Petra. The next day, you will lose yourself in Wadi Rum, the immense territory of the desert lords from whom Lawrence of Arabia learned the Seven Pillars of Wisdom and reinforced his love of freedom.

An evening worthy of a tale from the Arabian Nights, in the company of oriental dancers with hypnotic movements, will bring your adventure around the world to a close.


  • J1 Arrival in Aqaba in the late afternoon. Check-in and dinner at the hotel. Overnight at the hotel.
  • J2  Day of discovery of Petra, the city of the Sands. Lunch in a local restaurant and return to Aqaba in the middle of the afternoon. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.
  • J3 Discovery of Wadi Rum by jeep, Bedouin territory which inspired Lawrence of Arabia. Lunch in a Bedouin camp in the middle of the desert. Return to the hotel and free time. Oriental gala evening. Overnight at the hotel.
  • J4 After breakfast, you embark on a short cruise in the Gulf of Aqaba. In the late morning, transfer to the airport and the last flight of our private plane to Paris.

Alternative excursion : Bedouin stay in Wadi Rum (1 night)


UNESCO : Petra / Wadi Rum protected area

Carefully selected by the Ciels du Monde team, discover the accommodation for your trip.

Sapphire space


Hacienda Mérida VIP


Inkaterra Urubamba 5*

Easter Island

Hangaroa Eco Village & Spa 5*

French Polynesia

Conrad Bora Bora Nui 5*


Cordis by Langham 5*


Plataran Borobudur Resort & Spa 5*

Siem Reap

Raffles grand hôtel d'Angkor 5* hotel


The Oberoi New Delhi 5*


Kempinski Hotel Aqaba Red Sea 5*

Turquoise Space


Hyatt Regency Mérida 5*


Tambo del Inka Resort & Spa 5* (5*)

Easter Island

Various small hotels 

French Polynesia

Sofitel Moorea ia ora Beach resort 5* (French)


Pulmann 5* Hotel


Manohara Yogyakarta 4*

Siem Reap

5* Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf & Spa Resort


The Taj New Delhi 5*


Movenpick Aqaba 5* Hotel

The choice of aircraft

We look for the aircraft with the performance and features best suited to each of our trips, while giving priority to your comfort and to our airline partners for their exceptional level of service. Our itineraries are specially designed to avoid night flights and long stopovers wherever possible.

Next departures

Faces and Civilizations of the World
From 03 to 25 November2024
Faces and Civilizations of the World
From 02 to 24 November2025
Faces and Civilizations of the World
From 01 to 23 November2026
Faces and Civilizations of the World
From 07 to 29 November2027

Prices and conditions


Turquoise Light



Price Per Person

in a double room

21 900€

24 900€

57 900€

Cab configuration :

Seat configuration :



Service on board :

Cellar :

Accommodation :

Visiting configuration :


4 seats for 4 people. Classic reclining.
Rear central row of the appliance.


5 *

Business class

4 and 5-star hotels

Tours in sub-groups of 36 people.


4 seats for 3 people (1 seat available for 1 couple and 1 single). Classic recline.
Central row

5 *

Business class

4 and 5-star hotels

Visits in sub-groups of 25 people.


1 seat-bed, 180° recline



5 * luxury

Luxury selection

Luxury & Charm hotel

Tours in sub-groups of 12 people.


Single room supplement :

Porthole supplement :


3 500€


3 500€

2,000 (Couple: 2 seats for 2 pers) (Single: 2 seats for 1 pers)


5 500€

Subject to availability

General terms and conditions of sale


  • The trip according to the number of days indicated by private plane (assigned seat for the entire trip),
  • Accommodation in shared rooms in 5* hotels (local standard) or in the best accommodation available on the destination,
  • Full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner) during the entire trip,
  • Drinks on board the aircraft (champagne*, spirits*, wine*, beer*, soft drinks) and standard drinks at meals (wine,* mineral water, beer* and soft drinks),
  • All transfers, excursions and visits included in the programme by coach, minibus, boat, 4×4 vehicle, train with French-speaking local guides (other languages, please consult us)
  • The services of a cruise director and his team of escorts, a French-speaking doctor and/or nurse throughout the trip,
  • Party nights according to the programme,
  • All visa, immigration and customs formalities and baggage handling subject to local law in some countries,
  • Luggage allowance: 1 or 2 pieces of luggage per person depending on the type of aircraft and/or the duration of the trip,
  • Repatriation assistance insurance, airport taxes, various issue fees,
  • Tips.

(*) Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation.



  • Drinks outside the programme (bars, minibar, etc.),
  • Expenses of a personal nature (telephone, laundry, etc.),
  • Optional excursions (to be found on each product sheet),
  • Double room for single use (so-called "single room supplement") : consult us,
  • Accommodation in Suites : consult us,
  • Private excursions (guide and driver) at each port of call for two people or small groups: consult us,
  • Pre/post arrival package in Paris including domestic flight or train, transfers and 2 nights in a 4* hotel: 850€ per person.



Our visa service will take care of all the visa procedures on presentation of the information to be provided after confirmation of your booking.
This service, worth an average of €300, is offered free of charge to all passengers.
As an indication, EU nationals must provide a passport valid for 6 months after the date of return with 4 free pages.



Registration form duly completed and signed, returned by e-mail (scan) or post.

1st instalment
30 % from travel to booking
2ᵉ deposit
45 % of the trip, 90 days before departure
Remaining balance
25% of the trip, 45 days before departure



Optional multi-risk cancellation insurance not included but highly recommended, to be taken out at the time of booking, for an amount equal to 6 % of the total amount of the trip.
Details of the conditions can be found in the insurance company's brochure enclosed with the application.



All cancellations must be communicated by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt and will incur the following cancellation fees depending on the date of receipt:

180 days or more before departure
10 % of the cost of the trip
179 to 120 days before departure
30 % of the cost of the trip
119 to 90 days before departure
40 % of the cost of the trip
89 to 60 days before departure
50 % of the cost of the trip
59 to 30 days before departure
75 % of the cost of the trip
Less than 30 days before departure
100 % of the cost of the trip



All complaints must be sent as soon as possible and at the latest 20 days after the date of return by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, enclosing supporting documents to

Skies of the World
29 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud
75011 Paris



Our prices are payable in Euros (€) and are firm, but may be subject to revision, in accordance with the conditions described below and the terms of the General Conditions of Sale, and Articles R.211-3 to R.211-11 of the Tourism Code.
Our prices are based on the economic conditions prevailing in 2022, including accommodation, transport, fuel, taxes and the exchange rate of the US dollar and the currencies of the countries concerned.
Airlines, aircraft types and airports are subject to change without notice and are given as an indication only. Likewise, some scheduled stopovers may be replaced, cancelled or reversed due to security criteria or external parameters beyond the organiser's control and impossible to anticipate when the trips are published on our 2022 commercial media. The same applies to certain hotels and excursions that could not be offered in the end for reasons of force majeure. These services will be replaced by similar services at least equal to those initially planned.
The trip may be cancelled if the group does not reach the minimum number of participants required for the type of aircraft. In the event of cancellation of the trip due to lack of participants or a significant increase in the price of the trip due to the exchange rate or to the increase in particular of taxes or oil, the customer will be informed at the latest 30 days before the departure. The client will have a period of 8 days from receipt of the notification to accept the new proposal or to request the cancellation of his registration, which will result in the reimbursement of the sums paid by the client, however, no compensation can be claimed.
In the event of cancellation due to force majeure, the client may not claim any compensation. Force majeure is characterised by the unpredictability, irresistibility and exteriority of the event that prevented the execution of the contract (C. civ. art. 1148).
In the event of voluntary interruption of the trip by the client, the latter shall not be entitled to any reimbursement, even partial, of either transport services or other services, the only exception being total or partial coverage by an insurance company depending on the contract taken out and within the limits of the latter only.

For our optional excursions and packages DUO, contact us.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We actively support local initiatives that have been carefully selected for their positive impact on the environment. We work with our local partners to introduce you to these destinations through tours designed to preserve nature and respect the local population. We develop partnerships with international NGOs to deliver medical and educational supplies to selected destinations.

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Fill in this form and we will send you the requested documents by e-mail or by post, depending on your choice.